Monday, September 07, 2009

Tribes and Nations -1

Some details of the peoples living near to the realm and their characteristics according to the common view. The name of that people in their own language is also shown:
Most men of the muggyr would assume that any of these people other than Szekely living within the realm are either thieving Bayars or plain murderous savages. Almost all would be deemed uncouth, uncivilised, and untrustworthy. They would be genuinely surprised to know that their neighbours have almost the same opinion of them.
Kőgótok (also Greuthungi) are blonde, blue eyed barbarian tribes. These nomadic horsemen have horses larger than the ponies of the Beseyok and Ruaroch. They occupy lands north of the Karbath Mountains but pay little heed to borders. Some trading takes place with the Kőgótok. They are skilled with lance and bow.
Thracius (also Thracous) are a wild dark-haired rabble led by a weak feuding aristocracy. They have long coveted the realm but rarely threaten the borders to the south. They favour ambush tactics and use short swords of a type not commonly used in the realm.
Beseyok (also Pazinags) are a grouping of semi-nomadic tribes who live across the wide grasslandss to the north and east of the realm beyond the Kunok. A few large settlements exist, usually with the hall of one of their leaders. Other horse-lord peoples share the steppe such as the Ruaroch (also Ruaran). Thankfully, no great leader has managed to unify these warrior tribesmen. These horse-lords have acquired a fearsome reputation and are believed by many common folk to have horns and tails. Few have any first-hand knowledge.
The Wallach (also Vlak) occupy the lands lie to the east of the boundaries of the realm. They frequently form Bayar bands for brigandage and raiding of neighbouring states. Wallacia is a unified state but it is very poor. It is in turn raided by the Gaetok and Beseyok. It may once have been larger and more prosperous.
Gaetok or Daciok (also Daous) is sometimes translated as 'People of the Wolf'. They are not numerous but have some individual settlements north east of the realm. It is not a unified kingdom. They are bandits and outcasts with strange magical rites and stranger religious practices.
Kolloth (also Norici) are now mostly assimilated into the realm but some independent settlements still exist round the western fringes of the realm, They have always been known for their fierce warriors and skilled craftsmen.
Skalgrimoth are blonde warriors settled in the border regions of the realm. They are mostly civilised. It is not known whether this tribe were once connected to the Kőgótok or are from the northlands. They show no special affinity for horses.

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