Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Trumpet and Drum

'Fass es Spitze' (tr. Drum and Horn, alt. Trumpet and Drum) is an old street in an old city. It's the place where those who espouse the second oldest profession meet. And also where they gain mastery of the skills they need to survive. Why did it get a name in the northern tongue which sounds like an inn?

Scholars say that the name became associated with Festök and Szinesze. Festök is the term for dyes and in this street it was principally indigo and purple. The making of dyes was the trade carried out in that area before the street became what it is now. Indeed, the dyestuff was mixed in a wooden vat or drum so the link is double. Szinesze is the term for a female player and in some circles specifically an Aeyep female player. Unlike dye-making this occupation still thrives in the vicinity, notably at the establishment of Madame Rygara. Why did these two trades share the same small part of Korzow? It is likely that wandering players were good customers for those selling dyed cloth, particularly cloth in unusual and dramatic colours. Acting was then regarded as for those of low birth, perhaps even outcasts. So a street with dye-works may have been the only place that would accept them. Now the entertainers share the street with armorers and mercenaries rather than fullers and such. Both players and soldiers are greatly in demand in Korzow. Merchants need security for goods shipped across the dangerous Karbath Mountains. They also have the money to hire entertainment. And the dramatic arts are seldom as well accomplished as in the house of she who in her youth belonged to one of the greatest traveling troupes in the land.

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