Sunday, February 19, 2006

Vampyr Lore

Almost nothing is known for certain about these beings. What little is not utterly incredible is mostly folklore. But since the common folk are those that suffer most as a result of 'the curse', perhaps their lore is most likely to contain truth.

All consider them to be 'undead' – neither truly alive nor yet properly dead. Many names are used for their kind – Vampyr, Upiar, Upiarzta, Lyderc Nadali. (the last of these indicates the common belief that these beings are demonic). Several animal or half-animal forms are associated with these beings – Bats, Wolves, etc – but they also appear as humans to their victims (at least to start with!). Some hold that they are pained by strong light – a sure indication of their evil origins. Some say that they need to lair in contact with their native earth or that they cannot approach certain plants. The most heartening thing 'known' is that they seem (unlike lycanthropes) to be mostly solitary beings with only a handful of non-vampyr retainers.

Of the weapons and methods used against them only the vampyr hunters have any real knowledge. Only a handful of the boldest adventurers seek to combat the vampyr. Most end their lives trying. A few become legends!

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